Why good credit is important!

Not only does your credit score determine the amount of your credit limit, but it also plays a major factor in many other aspects of your life.

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What is a credit score anyway?

Your credit score is a, “representation of your credit worthiness.”

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What factors affect my credit score?

Does having lots of credit cards help or hurt me? Am I making the right choices with my finances?

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Greetings Friend!

You may have stumbled across this site because you are looking for help with your credit. Maybe you don’t understand what your credit score is, how it affects you, or what you can do to improve it. Well, we are here to help you with whatever questions you may have about your credit. Here you will find the basic information you need to build your credit, repair bad credit, and ultimately raise your credit score.

Having good credit WILL save you money! In these tough economic times, every dollar counts, and you cannot afford to be giving away your hard earned money to creditors. For example, say you have $1,000 charged on a credit card with a minimum payment of only $20. Sounds nice, right? Well, you may not think so when six years later you are finally making your last payment, and you have given an additional $546.18 to VISA in finance charges! With a 15% APR, annual percentage rate, your $1,000 just turned into over $1,500! Raising your credit score will help you lower your APR, and lower your debt!

If you have any questions about any of the material just drop us a line HERE, and we will be able to contact you to answer your questions and offer you as much or as little assistance as you would like.

Why is my credit score important?